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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:57 Mon 19th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Monday. Cloudy again. Yesterday turned out lovely and warm. I hope today does the same.

The weather bod is telling us it's going to rain in an hour's time.

Snowflake has just realised I'm not still in bed and has joined me on the recliner. She's now curled up along side me fast asleep.

Tiggy is still out in the garden doing his job.

Have a happy day everyone.


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The shackles are on!!

Time to clean up a shed and some tools, (me included), and be useful to others.

Take care and enjoy whatever the day delivers.
You old fox you ;-)

Never give up!!!!!
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Have a good'un mate!
Have a good one, ozzie.

I guess it is Gloucestershire, boaty.....
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I reckon you're right mate. ;o}
Good Morning wbm xxx and all overcast and few raindrops on window .Next door neighbour was visiting friends and neighbour across backed into him smashed his back door . She said can we settle this privately as she don't have her no claims protected . I said to him I hope she is going to pay for a hired car as well . That made him think so he is off down to his insurance place today .I would not settle privately unless it was very small in saying that I maybe wouldn't if they did not pay up then it would be more hassle .Have a nice day all ,
morning wendi.....time to be moving - if minty is looking in, have a safe trip to the Pool... and have a god one, all.
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Have a good'un DT.

Morning wendi. xxx

As long as she pays up. If she doesn't she could be in serious trouble.

How are you this morning?
Don't think I would take the risk she should have protected her no claims .It don't do to try and do cheap with insurances I know they charge the earth as it is .
Raining now .
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I agree wendi.
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Time to make a move. A wee someone wants to go walkies.

Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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