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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:25 Mon 26th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
Monday. Lots of rain through the night. The car looks clean! :o}

Most of the housework post snowflake is done. It's hopeless getting the vacuum cleaner out while she's here, she fights with it and there is no chance of getting it done properly. Dusting is just as bad, she tries to get hold of the duster. She thinks it's great fun!

Off to see my friends in Yate today. Always a pleasure. So will be off at eight.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}


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Have a good'un DT. :o}

Nothing wrong with that wendi, although it can get a bit boring.
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Time to go.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}
bye boaty xx
Morning All !

I overslept this morning, for the first time for years !

I had the heating for an hour last night, as it was distinctly wintery. It looks as if its not going to change today either......bye bye summer !
morning Mikey xx bit chilly here too
Minty...I have brought out the rotating halogen heater, from its summer storage and I have it on behind me. Very cheap to run !

'morning all, late on parade again this morning, it's all that hounds fault.
Hope everyone is well.
morning Balders xx

nice and toast Mikey !!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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