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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:42 Tue 27th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Tuesday. Lots of heavy rain yesterday, I was thinking a boat would have been more apt. At one point the windscreen wipers on full belt could only just cope. It's not looking much better this morning.

What happens today depends on the weather.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Think someone beat ya to it wbm
bye DT xx

CRISIS ....oh 's crown on an incisor has come off...happened last night when eating nuts..I was in bed and missed it all...sick and tired of telling him off about eating toffees, chewing gum and crunching on hard nuts ! of course it is all MY fault ??? no sympathy for him , he will just not take a telling..
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I think you're right balders. Still, it got zapped! :o}

Tell him where to go and whet to do when he gets there minty.
oh I have Boaty..I have !! lol
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Why do I believe that! :-)
Minty if I had a quid for every time I had told Mr bm something only to be ignored and my prophesy come true I would be sat on my own private yacht in the Caribbean.
LOL BM ...I would be the marina owner !!
go to BBC1 Edinburgh on
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Time to make a move. Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
bye boaty xx

Have a good 'un wbm.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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