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Fire Fighters

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tandh | 00:13 Sat 24th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

They are some of the most selfless people in the world, risking their lives to save others. i would be happy to pay extra in taxes so they can be paid more, does anyone else think this too?


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Yes and ambulance crews as well. Pity too much of the NHS funds goes to pen pushing number crunchers.
00:21 Sat 24th Sep 2016
Yes and ambulance crews as well. Pity too much of the NHS funds goes to pen pushing number crunchers.
I agree baza.

x x x
I agree too.
Yes, I agree.

You want to pay more Tax so Russian Firefighters can have a payrise??
I agree. These people voluntarily enter the kind of situations that many people would run away from. I haven't forgotten photos of firefighters climbing the stairs in the World Trade Center, and going to almost certain death.
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how can you say that baldric, no matter what nationality someone is you can't beat them down when they would give their life to save others.
I like firemen :-)
I thought she would ;-)
Stoppit you :-)
I've got to now although I don't want to off to bed.
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night night tony, whats all the italics for though?

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Fire Fighters

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