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London Ambulance

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bobbie22 | 21:05 Tue 27th Sep 2016 | Film, Media & TV
25 Answers
What a wonderful and moving programme. My total respect for all ambulance Paramedics everywhere. The second of three programmes is on next week.


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Did annoy me that when they were fully stretched, 3 crews had to attend some druggie who didn't want their help and then walked away.

That's one of the reasons I couldnt do a job like that, I would be too biased.
Totally agree silliemillie, that really annoyed me too. He was so rude and ungrateful to the crew and people far more in need were kept waiting. Yes, that senior paramedic was rather nice!
I was very impressed by the programme, I couldnt find it to record it for next week, what are the times please?
Radio Times says Tuesdays 9pm so I assume it's the same for next week.
I felt the same too, but then I thought we don't know what has brought him to this low, and I tried to be kind!! Didn't succeed though, when you see people really needing help and having to wait. I thought the programme was fantastic.

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