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Cockup On The Catering Front!

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Caran | 01:23 Fri 30th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Tonight I decided to do potato wedges in the Actifry for the first time.The recipe I found called for mayonnaise and chilli sauce to be added with oil. Set it off for about 30 minutes.
I checked it at the time. The potatoes were not good. Some of them had been mashed up. I remembered last night I had a baked potato, it was one of the best I had ever had so fluffy. So obviously the potatoes were not suitable for the Actifry. I ended up scraping them out and finishing them off in the oven.
Realised I should have put this in food, sorry!


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>>> Realised I should have put this in food, sorry!

Vegetables only become 'food' when you eat them. If you put them in the bin it doesn't count ;-)
Ah but would it still count for the 5 a day thing, Chris ?.
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I didn't put them in the bin Chris!
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I realised I should be more aware of what brand of potatoes are best for which method of cooking.
Er, maybe you should have done, Caran? ;-)

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Thank you for that Chris.
You'd find it hard to match the excellent blue cheese potato dauphinoise I had last night though
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So what did you have with it then?
It's on the menu in my link, Caran. (The flat iron steak).

It was excellent, as was the dessert (for just £3.95) of a delicious apricot frangipane tart, served with some gorgeous ice cream (with some sort of booze in it), decorated with fresh raspberries and a raspberry coulis.
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Sounds delicious Chris.
WOW, I wouldn't mind giving that 'Flat Iron' steak a go ( minus the garlic and herb butter ).
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Going to bed now, night night everyone.
You'll have to book yourself a trip to Norwich, Tony. The Golden Star is a superb pub, with some great beers ;-)
Goodnight, Caran.

Sleep well.

Sounds well worth the trip, Chris.

Live and learn Caren. Wouldn't it be boring if everything went perfectly every time! ;-)

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