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One who imposes penalty of better quality 5 letters Banker had changed - means to stop on a hill 9 letters Pat, parcel upset fruit barrow 9 letters⁰
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50d mythical little guy whose colourful existence can be discerned from sign, omen etc (5)???m? 67d ring honey loving children,s character to say get up(4) h?o? 66d European airline gets hostesses,... ...
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Last two. 14d Note minister gets if sent up(5) 23a Pasty, sensation scoffed by you and I (5)
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36d  Fly, though neither zips nor buttons , mangle doctors balls?. That'd make anyone sick. ( 6 letters) ?s?t?e. 60d. Take a measure of the sailors back.( 3 letters). A?T
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I've finished but for one of two I can't parse the answer. 1a: presumable bash. 8d: extrapolator. Clues are:  see band turning to round of applause in this informal do. One making inferences... ...
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Last clue 5 down Who the devil has the spelling ability to call him so equally hellishly? 9 .e.l.e.u.  
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8d Aggressive driver, alas a criminal (11) 27 Caption or lines misspelt -as the Guardian?(2,4,8)
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2d. The French say we have a certain style and energetic confidence in our country. ( 4 letters)   ?L?N 19d. What Leander famously did to Hero at the top of the pond or marsh. ( 5 letters)... ...
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Can anyone help with this last clue.TIA 204a .. overly affected [8]  m?n?e?e?
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It's alphabetical jigsaw, so no crossers to help until some answers filled in....there will be a spare letter in the wordplay.. 6. Dare to laugh guarding small marked space. (6) extra wordplay... ...
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Can anyone help on 77a (6) T_E_E_ It's not quite the finest historic city. Any help appreciated, last one & has me stumped
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Hi, Hoping someone can help me with last clue 77a It's not quite the finest historic city (6)  T_E_E_ Thanks

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