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Crosser | 16:56 Sun 02nd Oct 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Stuck on 4
1a (5) Factory watch mechanism
I have W???S#

22a (6) Old middle eastern country
I have ?E???A

2d & 23d 5,5
I have R&R organist? Wrong he's the drummer
I have ??N?O and ??A?R
Any help appreciated


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Ringo Starr
22 Persia
1 Works
Question Author
Thanks Captain
I'm still stuck on the last one
1a Factory works system and I now have W?R?S
Any help appreciated
Look up Crosser :))
Question Author
Thanks Mammyalynn I appreciate all yer help
Bye for now
22 Persia
2d ringo
Pressed too soon Ringo Starr sorry
Bye Crosser x

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