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You Cannot Be Serious!

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ToraToraTora | 18:18 Thu 06th Oct 2016 | News
33 Answers
So if Jezza wins Dopey Dianne will be home secretary! PMSL, Jezza really is the the Tories best friend!


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You Cannot Be Serious!

Michael Portillo agrees with you TTT

I love 'This Week' Diane Abbot made great viewing
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good to have a mauist as shadow home sec!
-- answer removed --
Doh, just realised my error.
Abbott is shadowing Amber Rudd, not Boris.
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I saw that gromit but i knew what you meant.
Naomi > Someone on here said that when he and she were younger and had a bit of a 'thing' going on, he took her on holiday - a trip round East Germany on his motorbike. What an old romantic he is!

His visit to a certain city in E.Germany back then probably reminds him of the workings of the Labour Party today - Caputh!
ag, that’s some lithsp. Thewiusly! ;o)
You won't be finding this so funny when she's Home Secretary for real.

Typing that without bursting out laughing was incredibly difficult.
The joke I used to make with my (very few and far between) friends who I knew voted Labour in the 80s and 90s was that we could end up with Dennis Bolsover (Skinner, Labour) as the Foreign Secretary. Now this.

However, voters should be careful what they joke about. There are many people seething at the result of the referendum and who will blame the Tories if the going gets tough, there are many people still recovering from the 1980s, who still Blame Mrs Thatcher and her Tory Scum for all their current ills (witness Question Time from Neath last night), and there are many people who have never lived under a proper Labour government (the 1997-2010 version being nothing like the real thing). Things change rapidly in politics (remember a week last June) and it will not take much to see the maniacal Jezza and his chums with the keys to No 10 and five years (more than enough) to bankrupt the nation,
We would be bankrupt in 5 weeks !

And now Gromit's boring bit...

Osborne doubled the deficit from 2010-15. He borrowed more in 4 years than all of Labour's borrowing in the previous 13 years of Blair/Brown. Corbyn's proposed borrowing if he got to No.10 is actually less than what the Conservative's have borrowed.
NJ has a point that there is a realistic scenario in which Labour does make it in 2020 because of perceived Tory weaknesses. And let's face it, this is also the system people are so determined to protect. UKIP, the SNP and Lib Dems being effectively barred from holding power for one reason or another, you can't keep the Tories in indefinitely if they screw up during their time in office. If May mishandles Brexit (or is seen to) then what do you expect the British people to do? Say "oh it's fine because Labour will probably do even worse." Would they? Why should we settle for only these two options all the time? It's a desperately sad state for British politics if Labour is unelectable so the Tories are free to play out their internal squabbling with impunity.

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