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I Think There Is Something Wrong!

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Caran | 23:50 Sat 08th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Had our water bill today and they have almost doubled our payments.
They say our daily usage is the equivalent of taking 16 showers a day, 1056 pints of water or 3529 cups of tea a day.
I have one cup of green tea in the morning and drink bottled water all day.
I phoned Severn Trent Water today and queried it. The chappie said it sounded wrong. Someone is coming next Wednesday to check the meter and look for leaks.
Enough to give you a heart attack!


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3 times our works meter has been checked this month coz usage is low (we closed for repairs) but the water company wont accept that excuse. There is no meter at my home, plus I have 2 field water troughs for animals, wildlife & birds & swimming pool where my bill is half the cost of my works.
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We are currently paying £25.29 per month, they are saying we have to now pay £46.73.
We last had a bill in April and everything was OK then.
They asked me to go and read the meter. It was impossible to see as full of mud and deep down. Supposedly read last week to generate this bill.
is your swimming pool leaking? :-)
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That must be it jno!
my water meter is read from the street by the guy that is employed by a meter reading company its wireless (somehow)... tell them you cant read it and get is sorted so you can
if one fills one's swimming pool with champagne, one doesn't have to worry bout the cost of water

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I Think There Is Something Wrong!

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