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Barmaid | 18:41 Thu 13th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I was taught to knit as a chid by my grandmother (20 something + a bit, ahem) years ago. I have it in my mind that I might like to try it again.

Can anyone suggest a sensible book to start me off - nowt too expensive because I might decide I dont like it after all. I'd like to be able to knit something fairly quickly.



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How about YouTube tutorials? There must be some out there which can help you remaster the basics and then work up from there?

The Works tend do craft books if there is one near you and I've got some lovely knitting and crochet books from there before now. Much cheaper then places like Smiths and Hobbycraft.

If you were closer, I'd lend you some or help you out myself.
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Ah, I had forgotten about The Works, Eve. Good idea, ta. I normally walk past one after dropping off recalcitrant teenager at college.

I cant do YouTube. Drives me potty..........
Barmaid - the phrase 'recalcitrant teenager' actually paints quite a picture. He is only a teen for a few years.

My friend in Australia taught herself to crotchet from YouTube. She loves it.
I so wish I could knit. However having absolutely no grasp of left and right I find it impossible.

Good luck on your quest BM.
Barmaid, would you like to finish of a lovely jumper that I started to knit three/four years ago? When you've sorted it, like
I've had many books from this company, they do a full range from gift knits done in an hour to more complex garments, prices fair too.;catalogId=10051&langId=100
Deramores do brilliant tutorials for beginners and those who can already knit but want to do more complicated stuff .Like you, my grandmother taught me to knit back in the year dot,over 60 years ago. I had a little basket with plastic needles and wool as a Christmas present as a child and she sat and taught me the basics.The first thing I knitted was a scarf for my teddy.It's been a lifelong hobby on and off and so relaxing to do.
If you've done it before and you can knit and purl you'll soon pick it up again.
The Ladybird book of Knitting.
Brilliant pictures and explanations.
Can buy online from about a pound.
The Book People are good. They come in to my work and always forget they sell online too.

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