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mgba_78 | 22:56 Sun 11th Jun 2006 | Travel
4 Answers

This is prob a ridiculous question but....

I need to catch a bus to my town centre (no.24) but the same bus (no.24) on the way home i would have to wait half an hour for it. There is another bus (no.38) which comes earlier on the way home so i don't have to wait.

My question is if i bought a return ticket on the no.24 can i then catch the no.38 with the ticket?

Hope that makes sense

Thanks guys




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if it is the same operator and you are getting off at the same place u got on absolutely, if there is a different operator running the first bus to the second bus then unless they have an agreement in place to honour the ticket and the driver you get on the return journey knows about it and is willing to take it then u are ok too.
or not, I confused myself then, it's the gremlins

Not a ridiculous question, but not easy to answer. Dot is probably right but it does depend on the individual bus company as to what they will do. (Round here it's easy - they only issue singles...)

Suggest you ask the 24 driver 'If I get a return can I come back on the 38?' and see if you get a sensible answer.

As long as they are the same bus company, it's very likely.

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