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Do You Share The Same Taste In Music As Your Dog?

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wolf63 | 14:51 Thu 20th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
This dog really seems to like the music


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He's great!! Having a good time meanwhile the birds are into the electronic stuff!

Max was quite happy wiith any kind of music,though he did sometimes move to another room if it was on too loud.
Tiggs is as deaf as a post now and the only music she ever liked was the rattle of the food bowl !
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Groovy birds Mam.

Paddywak - I have been watching old programmes on YouTube. It is all about Police dogs both here and in Australia.

I was in heaven - lots of big, hairy and handsome German Shepherds. There were a couple of girl dogs but mainly male. One guy in Oz had a Rottweiler and it was huge. At one point the dog dived over a highish fence and the officer just sort of flew over the fence after him - whether he wanted to go or not.

They had soppy little Spaniels for sniffer dogs - the criminals would probably not be afraid of a Spaniel snarling at them.

Such amazing animals.

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My GSD/Lab went blind and senile but it didn't bother him. After he lost most of his hearing he couldn't hear me coming home or opening the fridge. It was really strange going into the fridge without an escort.

Our little friends are with us for such a short time.

As I type this my girl cat has a leg wrapped around her neck and she is washing her 'bits'. Her brother only washes if he really has to.

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