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Please Tell Me It Will Be Ok......

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Tilly2 | 16:08 Tue 25th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I have just dropped a litre bottle of mixed up weedkiller in the kitchen, the lid came off and it spilled and splashed everywhere.

I have sloshed and mopped up what I could, with clean water. Will it be safe for Tilly to walk on when it's dried?


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What does it say on the bottle Tilly regards animals?
I'd think most likely. It was already diluted when mixed up, you will have diluted it further. Give it another wash if still nervous.

Which weedkiller is it Tilly?
It should be dilute enough, but as OG says give it another go over with clean fresh water.
I'd be inclined to use a different mop head and keep going over it to be sure, keep Tilly out till you feel happy about it x
If you still have the original container phone the vet - you will know what chemicals are involved. Better to be extra cautious.
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It's Wilco super concentrated weedkiller....glysophate ....and it says nothing about pets and children on the label. A quick Google tells me that glysophate is safe once it has dried on the leaves.

I have mopped the floor three times now. Oh, I did panic!

//3 times//,
sounds good 2 me
Hope everything's o.k Tilly.
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It serves me right for mixing weedkiller in the kitchen. I should have used to outside tap! Stupid, stupid.

Off to mop the floor again. Just to be safe.
Be interesting to see if your floor covering turns curly and brown in a few days time.
yes, I wouldn't bring the goats inside to graze for a while
Don't listen to her, goats love weedkiller. :-)

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Please Tell Me It Will Be Ok......

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