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Here We Go Again

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queenofmean | 03:37 Sat 29th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Just woke up having a panic attack. No idea what has triggered it but I would like it to stop. I've tried breathing excercises and grounding, but it isn't helping :(


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Hello Xeromena, I haven't but it's something I could look into I guess.
No, possibly not, 1ozzy :)
I've always wanted to go to Aus. Haven't managed it yet. When I was young I never got the air fare saved up. Now I've got the money, but not the time to get there and make the most of it.
One day, maybe.
Looks like a lovely place Queenie, guess it's always green around there.

Does look like a city to me ;-/
You sure know how to have fun on your birthday Xero.

Good to hear things are ok now.
Yeah, I'm a right card aren't I :P
My dad used to reckon I was a card.

Someone should deal with me.
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Thank isn't a city but a small town. Usually is very green round here but it's more orange at the moment.

I've just moved up to the couch...some paracetamol and I'm hoping I'll drop off soon.

Sorry to hear you've been poorly Xero but glad you are on the mend!
Hope you get some peaceful shut eye Queenie.
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I got 1.5 hours Oz...then the nasty started hoping to get some sleep now
Take care, Queenie xx

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