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Sock...sliding Into Boot

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pastafreak | 14:48 Sun 30th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I've got a pair of newish boots to break in. The right boot is ever so slightly looser. My sock slithers down into the boot. I've added a thin insole to that foot...better fit,but sock still slides down. What else can I do?


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wear two socks on that foot?
Question Author's already snug enough with one. Maybe super thin ones...??
Suspender belt;-)
wear a garter around the top of the sock?
Take them back, they will forever drive you mad!
Question Author
I did think of an elastic band, but that might be painful. And a suspender belt might snap....ouchhh!!

The boots or the socks maydup?...;-))
The boots are comfy...a rarity in my world.
Trainer socks?
All the lads wore garters years ago -
Ah - I see where we may be talking at cross purposes - perhaps you aren't wearing long socks pastafreak in which case I agree, qarters (or elastic bands) around the ankle may not be the best idea!
Wear the socks outside the boots
Hi pasta, are you with ebay or Amazon? Look up welly warmers x
Do you need to wear socks in them?
Velcro the sock to your leg after shaving it. (^_*)

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Sock...sliding Into Boot

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