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Chinese Money Plant

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getonwithit | 08:11 Sat 29th Oct 2016 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
I inherited it with my house about 6 years ago it's about 30 cm tall and the same width ,it never does anything I re-potted 6 months ago ,I don't overwater I occasionally use fertiliser the only thing that seams to happen is a few branches go soggy and wither occasionally ,
I have tried a couple of positions it's never in overheated rooms or very cool place
A friend of mind had one the same 5 years ago it is now 90cm tall with plump glossy leaves !


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Is it one of these? ....

According to the description,they only grow to about 30cm,so your friend must be doing something extraordinary.
I think getonwithit means the Jade plant mentioned on there pasta.

Some good care info there, in my experience allow the compost to dry before watering and don't 'overpot'.
It sounds like one of these
I think you may be over watering, they can cope with being very dry and don't really want much in the way of feeding.
I immediately thought of the jade plant also. But as the OP specified a particular name (which I admit I'd not heard of),I went with that.
As ratty says...they don't need a lot of water...they store it in their leaves.
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I've just found out this plant is called crassula ovota convulota and not a Chinese money plant !

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Chinese Money Plant

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