Monday. All calm and quiet outside again today. Long may it last.
The joys of Stroud today. I'll drop into the CCT office and introduce myself to the new admin asst. Have a cuppa whilst I'm there.
My nerw toy, (G Tech Air ram) is brilliant. It fluffs up the carpets while it picking up the muck. Got a loigt on the front. If it gad a tail light and indicators I could ride it down ther road! :o}
Thank you boaty...I've had enough feeling like this I want something done now. It starts at 8.30am but to be seen early you really need to get up and be waiting outside from about 7.50 xx
This pain in my side has been persistent for months and they don't know what it is but if it's starting to make me feel like this it can jolly well stop.
Morning wbm xxx and all xxx glad your happy with your new toy . do you do a dance with it I do when in a hip hip happy mood lol . foggy earlier but ok now and still warm .Have a nice day all .
I'm impressed with it. KIt's better than I was expecting. It really does a super job. It's so simple to put together too, no tools needed, it just clicks together, took about a minute without needing the idiot guide. Wonderful!