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Sport Protein Drinks

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ck1 | 16:47 Mon 12th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
Is there really any difference between the loads that are available..?


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Yes there are very big differences in ingrediants. It's important to know what you want to get from the protein drink so you know what to look for in the ingrediants.

For example, Im a 24 year old woman. So I wouldn't want a shake with more than 20 grams of protein, 200-300 calories, and 20-30 grams of carbs.

A man that wants to gain weight could have a shake with 45 grams of protein and do that a couple times a day.

If you tell me a little more about your weight goals, I could give you a more detailed answer ;)

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Thanks Dancealot, I've tried a fair few and get pretty good results (as far as bulking up a bit), lately ive noticed that some of the descriptions have got a bit 'out there', my latest one is a 'cross flow microfiltered protein isolate'. As far as weight goals, how many grams of protein does it take to drink your way to looking like stallone!!!

Im taking it you're a guy ;)

Lifting 85%-95% of your total body weight. From 6-8 reps, if you can do more reps then that then you should add weight. Do one or two sets of 6-8 reps. Cardio should be performed at a minumum. Weight training and nutrition is the quickest way to gain.

Food intake. Creatine is a quick and easy way to start gaining weight. It's a protein powder that you mix with any liquid. Don't take more then the recommended dose..because it can cause side affects. Read the label and follow the directions. I think you have like two drinks of that a day. Eat lots of carbs, but GOOD carbs. Whole wheat, whole grains, beans, vegetables. Fats should be UNSATURATED fats..from nuts, olive oil, avocado's, flaxseed.

Hope I helped a bit. Start with the basics and you'll see improvements within two weeks. OH...and get enough sleep. That makes a big difference too!

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