As already said Halloween's today but most have work and school today so took the stance that this was "Halloween weekend" and parties and clubs were themed accordingly over this weekend as we do when we have a bank holiday on the Friday or Monday and it's aptly named "Bank holiday weekend"
"its a bit of fun for 1 night yes but not 1 week ! especially when you have a kid wanting a different outfit every other day, plus she has been going on about halloween for last month, yestday i took her to concert and fancy dress, tonight she wants to go to another partie , 2 days ago she was at a massive firework display and party we have christmas next month and ive allready started forking out for that"
LOl, welcome to the world of having children but as said above you can spoil them rotten then complain about the money spent overlooking the fun, memories and joy your child has had which money cannot buy or if you're looney you could always say no and be a firmer parent.