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// Incredible that he had the to sue and win against Private Eye for telling what was the truth. What a creature!//

commonplace Nigh
you're a reading girl - try George Carman 's QC biog by his son Dom.
I think he is the one who says ( having made a bomb from libel and lost it gambling ) that you only sue in libel if you have done it .....

otherwise you listen to the allegations and laugh / belly laugh / scream with laughter, and ask with tears streaming down your face .... did they really say that ? [ yes I am speaking from experience ]
AOG, homosexuals are attracted to men, paedophiles are not.
PP.....Ian Hislop ws interviewed yesterday and he said that Private Eye wasn't the worst offended by Anglesea. Lots of other newspapers were as well.

I don't have full recall of the case but Anglesea won his case fairly easily, to the shame of everybody concerned. As he is now likely to die in prison, I am not sure if going after him for the money that was awarded so many years ago would be worth it.

Of course, the Police Federation might be worth trying ! Especially as there is no evidence that they have acknowledged that they were wrong. Their website makes no mention of any shame on their part :::::

/// AOG, homosexuals are attracted to men, paedophiles are not. ///

Homosexuality: A person who is sexually attracted to people of their own gender.


/// As if his crimes were not bad enough, he pocketed £375,000 in libel damages. Will that be returned? Not on your nelly. ///

*** Anglesea could also be forced to pay back the £375,000 won in 1994 after a High Court libel action against two national newspapers, a TV broadcaster and Private Eye magazine. ***

It has also been reported that he will loose his police pension and his house will be sold.
AOG..this sort of thing has been debated on here many times over.

Its of little concern to the boys themselves what their attackers are labelled.

Like you, I suspect that most of the men responsible for the abuse probably are homosexual, but find young boys easier to deal with, than large, unwilling men.
Children are vulnerable precisely because they are children.

I am not attempting to stifle debate here, but none of us are trained physiologists, so lack the necessary education to debate this fully.
AOG - You have had the difference between homosexuals and paedophiles explained to you on numerous occasions.

Anglesea is a predator and has condemned his victims to a lifetime of pain and I am supremely glad that he has been exposed and will spend time in prison and the remainder of his life in disgrace. of his victims committed suicide, just after Anglesea won his court case, which is bloody shocking.

I wonder why the Police Federation are refusing to condemn would have thought that they would drop him like a stone ?
the doctors' insurance society ( MDU ) has always been careful to point out it did NOT bankroll Dr Shipman's defence to murder ....

as for losing pension rights already awarded - not sure about that - at least two pension schemes since he started drawing his.
//PP.....Ian Hislop ws interviewed yesterday and he said that Private Eye wasn't the worst offended by Anglesea. Lots of other newspapers were as well. //

Just a small point mikey. Hislop to his credit was pointing out long ago that the people who had suffered most were this odious man's victims, rather than the magazine he edits, and that Private Eye would not be looking to claim back the damages. I am not a great admirer of Hislop but he was coruscating without triumphalism. Incidentally I live in N.Wales and have met this creature. He is not a pleasant man in any way, and whem all this came back into focus a local councillor who knows the history and timeline of the case affirmed to a group (confidentially) that he was as guilty as sin and would get his deserved penalty.
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As a police officer he would be very aware of how abuse of any type has on a vulnerable individual. To then go onto abusing children is beyond the scope of my understanding.

And for anyone to cover-up such a vile crime - I think that they should be punished severely.

Are we to believe that no one who knew this person, family friends relatives work colleagues knew anything about his abusive behaviour ?
Anne, I firmly believe that his work colleagues and close family knew all along that he was likely to be guilty as accused.
Obviously no proof, I would agree,
Like Togo I met this man some years ago. I did not 'take' to him and, of course, knew nothing of his proclivities. Ugh!
AOG - //Since you put, they are mainly men against boys, I have often wondered why they are not classed as homosexual/paedophiles?//

This is the type of thinking that allows people who are ignorant of the issue to link Homosexuality to paedophilia, as though one must inform the other.

The facts are of course miles away from that simplistic and incorrect assumption.

Homosexuality is indeed about sexual attraction to a person of the same gender.

But paedophilia is not about mature adult sexual attraction, it is about power and control of a child who is unable to grasp what is happening, or be able to object to it happening. Paedophiles often use coercion and / or threats to control their victim in secrecy.

The other major difference between paedophilia and homosexuality is the the former is adjudged to be a psychiatric disorder, the latter is not.
Should we not take in AOG's advanced years for his attitude re homosexually?
anneasquith - We do take AOG's advanced years into account, but I and others are unwilling to allow incorrect facts to be posted without offering correction.

To simply say 'It's his age ...' is to allow someone to believe something that is untrue, and I believe that AOG welcomes being updated on information as much as any of us on here.
Do we know AOG's actual age?
Not exactly, but he has informed us that he is in his eighties, which he would need to be to have served in the second world war.

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