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Caran | 17:59 Sun 06th Nov 2016 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Daughter has invited me to go with her to see Billy Connelly tonight in Cardiff.
She bought the tickets for husbands birthday but he has had to fly to Amsterdam on business.
Never seen him live but think he is very funny on tv.
Quite looking forward to it.


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Be prepared for some bad language Caran! Hope you enjoy it x
Hope you're not easily shocked. His jokes are very 'near the knuckle'
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I'm not shocked by language on stage. I appreciate he will be worse on stage than he is on the tv.
Enjoy yourself Caran.
I wouldn't wear any eye make up if I were you, Caran. Have a good time!
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Thanks everyone.
Sounds fun. Have a good time.
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Enjoy yourself Caran.
Hope you have a great evening :-)
I prefer Brian Conley....Enjoy all the same...!
Favourite BC joke - I felt as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit. Made me giggle anyway.
I saw when when he was a relative newcomer. He was hilarious and dealt with some hecklers in a brilliant way. Haven't seen him on the TVs for a long time. I understood he wasn't well.
TASHI, the Ken Bigley "joke" was hilarious? Really?
A national treasure , enjoy. Ditto TCL ?
THECORBYLOON, irony seems to be wasted on you in my opinion.
I've seen him live...hilarious, enjoy..
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Thoroughly enjoyed him. He stood for two hours and just rattled the stories off.
His language was a bit choice but that was to be expected. He was shaking a fair bit due to his Parkinson's and he is looking a lot older now.(But aren't we all)
He recounted something he did years ago. Get a banana and a needle, stick needle into banana half an inch from the end. Wiggle the needle about until it has cut across the banana, remove needle, insert again about half an inch down and repeat all the way down the banana. Put said banana back in fruit bowl. Wait for unsuspecting victim to take a banana, peel it and find it has come ready sliced inside its skin. I think that is brilliant, I'm going to have a go T that.
When we went into theatre we had our bags searched, they confiscated bottles of water, told we could buy some inside at the bar as ours were lethal weapons.
Went to the bar bought two bottles at £2.50 each. Assistant removed the tops off the bottles and put a plastic cup over the neck of the bottle. I asked what was going on. She replied we are not allowed to let you have a sealed bottle as you could use it as a weapon! For heavens sake what is the world coming to.
Still a very enjoyable evening.
Glad you had a good time Caran.

Yes the banana trick is fun , done it on the children, but you can only do it once as they suspect every banana thereafter.
TASHI it wasn't obvious irony to me. I seen him live in Corby and he was brilliant by the way..

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