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What Would Now Be Happenning If Cameron Had Triggered A50 On June 24Th?

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ToraToraTora | 10:04 Mon 07th Nov 2016 | News
16 Answers
Presumably we'd have avoided all these welching tactics and have been getting on with it.


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We'd be going through the legal process to reverse since Forgetful Dave overstepped the mark and his authority.
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yeah but is there mechanism to un trigger A50?
The same Judges would have ruled that to be illegal there something about the High Court ruling that you don't understand ?

Our resident Judge, New Judge has stated that the ruling was correct and that any appeal will fail.
I have wondered that. My assumption is that the challenge would still have gone ahead, and it would have been ruled that Cameron did not have the authority to trigger A50 without consent. Since Article50 (1) states that a country must follow the process "according to their constitutional laws", I think this would mean that the triggering was invalid, and so we'd have to go back to the starting blocks.

Suffice to say, it would have been an unholy mess.
It's kind of ironic that all those politicians who said they were backing Brexit to regain British parliamentary sovereignty, are now complaining that the judges hace ruled that parliament is sovereign. Apparently, what they actually wanted was a 1 woman dictatorship.
Just as a matter of interest what would happen if Theresa May ignored the judges ruling and triggered article 50 anyway?
Depends on whether it was done before or after the ruling. But a Prime Minister being found in contempt of court doesn't bear thinking about. At any rate, if the EU had seen the ruling (and that an appeal had failed), then presumably May's claim to have triggered Article 50 would have been met with silence, or an -- entirely correct -- answer that "you haven't complied with Article 50 (1), therefore we will not engage in negotiations".

It's not all that difficult, really. All the ruling said on Thursday is that we have to comply with the UK's constitutional law in implementing the referendum result.
There would still have been a legal challenge.
Parliament might have already debated it, and told the Government to how it wishes to proceed.
But we wouldn't be much further on. The extraction process will take anything from 5 to 10 years to be fully m plemented.
GROMIT , 5-10 years to be implemented, OMG you will upset a few on this thread for saying that, better get your tin hat on.
Bet the judges and the rest of the legal system are making a packet out of this lot, the longer they can keep it running the better for them.
You wont get good odds against that Gulliver.

As usual the leftie liberal Europhiles will have their snouts in the trough.
TTT A50 can be cancelled at any time up to the final departure. Even an hour or less before !
gulliver, All the estimates say that the Supreme court ruling will take months, some say over a year.
Once it is made and as expected it upholds the Law Lords ruling it will take another 6 months to three years of negotiation in parliment. At best Brexit will be held up for a year, at worst it could be 3 0r 4 years!
It is now all but impossible for the final exit to happen before the next general election in 2020!
I was a strong 'remainer' but now I just want it all sorted ASAP!
All this uncertainty isn't helping the British economy one little bit.

Like Eddie ::::: "If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well
it were done quickly"

Eddies 51, 10/33 can you imagine street parties all round everyone celebrating, and the last hour BEFORE moving into Brexit , some one cancels, OOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMYGGGGGGGGGGGGOD.
>Bet the judges and the rest of the legal system are making a packet out of this lot, the longer they can keep it running the better for them.

It will keep them busy but they only get work because people seek their services- they don't start legal challenges off their own bat.

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