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Happy Sunday Music

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grasscarp | 17:22 Sun 13th Nov 2016 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Today I took daughter and family to lunch. Grandson wanted bananas and custard. Waitress came to say they had no bananas. I started to sing Yes, We have no Bananas.
They had never heard of this song..
So here for all those who do or dont remember this, here is Banana Airlines version of the old 78 record.

Happy Sunday evening.....


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I remember it. It made me break into song too!
19:20 Sun 13th Nov 2016
I remember it. It made me break into song too!
You should have asked for a luvley bunch o coconuts.
Haha Billy Cotton.
And finished off with....

If you go to a concert by The Pasadena Roof Orchestra, they always do "Yes, We have no Bananas." Everyone joins in.
Like my bananas mased

Like my bananas mashed in a sandwich with bacon and a smidgeon of lime pickle

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Happy Sunday Music

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