Ice Skating in The AnswerBank: Sport
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Ice Skating

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Nightcleaner | 14:02 Sat 12th Nov 2016 | Sport
3 Answers
We are in TV heaven Watching Ice Skating On Eurosport. I was wondering About the pair skating. We saw the french couple and she was picked up by the nether regions. Imagine a new couple been put together and well...

What the protocol for this We wonder. It like legalised groping :)

We love the sport. My other half laughs as I compare it to Show Jumping In the respect When they fall over I say say they knocked a fence down.

I watch it for all the right reasons I must Add :)
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My daughter got into the top 100 in the US - aged 11 - but she became too big - freeskate single was her thing....the dance pairs tend to lift on the inner thighs and not with direct contact. Still though..... She's replaced it with two other sports, volleyball, archery and she has taken up Taekwondo too. Iceskating and archery are actually complementary - the stroking (up and down the ice to music) strengthens the thighs and provides a heck of a base for the archery - essentially a lock-down when she takes the stance up, the eye to hand coordination with the bow then taking over.
Wasn't Donald Trump was it?
Yeah these blokes should be done for groping

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