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jubo22 | 20:16 Tue 15th Nov 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
e??t pursued by a bear. harm,s way, pr?b?. structural, an??omic. estuary wave, i??e. many thanks.


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Could you please type those again; very confusing (to me anyway)
Think I can follow the last one

Estuary wave, BORE
1. exit
Structural. Anatomic

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harm,s way, pe?b?' e??t pursued by a bear. structural, an??omic.identifies in online picture, ta?s. thanks
Harms way - peril?
1 Harm's way, (5) pe?b?
2 Pursued by a bear, (4) e??t
3 Structural, (8) an??omic
4 Identifies in online picture, (4) ta?s.
Identifies on line pictures tags
thanks Captain- much easier to follow
sorry Baldric- missed your earlier answer before the clue was reformatted
I can't justify exit other than I have a vague recollection of a stage play where someone exits pursued by a bear
Winters Tale- but i see that EXIT was answered earlier before the clues were reposted

The Winter's Tale is a play by William Shakespeare, originally published in the First Folio of ..... adaptation of The Winter's Tale. In 2016, author E. K. Johnson published the book Exit Pursued by a Bear, a modern adaption of The Winter's Tale.

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