Little story. Almost 4 years ago I spent some time hospital. "She who must be obeyed", after it looked as if I was in recovery mode, brought in for me my laptop. After much bowing and scraping I was allowed to log to the Hospital wifi when there had been a big kerfuffle about letting me have a password. The system was not only restricted but was just loaded with self congratulatory blurb besides being woefully slow. I then remembered that I was with BT at home and could log on to the BT wifi hotspot using our account details and password. Bliss, u tube, videos, and email account available. Boy did that cause a panic. I visit from the Hospital tech man, accompanied by my consultant, who wanted to know how I was getting the internet and unrestricted web access. He did no know about the BT facility and was mighty miffed, I believe there was even a meeting to consider the ramifications. They certainly did not like the fact that I could email family and use the lappie web cam had I so wished. Liverpool's St Thomas's facility was much more relaxed about the possibilities and had basic rules in place because they themselves were up to speed and touch.