Mrs B wants to do a DNA Test to get some idea of Family background, Country of origin etc. She knows there is a Huguenot connection there and wants to see what else comes up.
I, like a Mug, have been nagged into doing one as well. She always tells me with my colouring and temperament I'm more Italian than English.
Pish!! . . . . . the very idea!!!!!!
Has anyone any experience with these tests, are there any Companies to avoid or any recommended ones?
I seem to remember a program on telly a few years ago...ordinary folk having their dna done. A few seemed to have Turkish ancestry going back a number of generations.
it might mean something like one of your great great grandfathers marrying an immigrant from somewhere like Turkey, which wouldn't be amazing, especially if your ancestors lived in London, which has always had people from everywhere. After all, you seem to have married a Viking. Does she want the full burning-longship cremation when she goes?
// I contacted the person ..... and he has given me loads of family history that I didn't have. //
I have a had lot of pleasure from contacting relatives I didnt know I had but who knew my parents or grandparents -
and passed history onto other unsuspecting people