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Server Not Responding

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smurfchops | 08:59 Fri 25th Nov 2016 | Technology
7 Answers
I have a BT Home Hub 2, about eight years old. Because of recent problems below, BT are sending me another one the same as I would have to pay to upgrade to a newer Hub. I keep getting Server Not Responding, Not Connected to Internet, although all three blue lights are on most of the time when this happens, sometimes the blue broadband light turns orange. Would a new BT Hub 2 help, is it worth changing over? I restart Hub, eventually all OK again. This happens a few times a day,usually for around ten minutes then all works again. Has been happening for a couple of weeks. BT cant help, say there is no problem their end, what can I do? I have an ipad which is around four years old, and a laptop which is quite old as well. Could it be the Hub? I am not technical so easy answers please. Tia.
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I use Safari on ipad and Windows 7 on laptop, same hub for both, in same room as Hub, no walls etc in between.
I had a similar problem with TalkTalk a month or so ago and a new modem/router solved the problem. You'll have to try it (it only means changing the wifi password on any devices you want to connect to it); if there's no improvement BT will have to make further checks.
Same thing again with Plusnet, same cure new router.
You've certainly have a very old Hub. BT Do Not easily admit to faults their end of the line.

How much is it going to cost for an up-dated Hub. I am very surprised that BT is making a charge for a more modern Hub. I have had over the years replacements for models 2, 3, and 4 without any cost involved.

Have another chat with BT and ask why, if they consider your Hub needs replacing, is a charge being raised.

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So is it worth changing the hub for the same model, when it arrives from BT? As I am not technical I dont want to have to do something too difficult in changing it over. I think I will ring them again next week and press for a newer free hub. I have been with BT forever for internet and especially my phone so it is a bit cheeky having to pay for a hub ... Thanks all.
It's a simple process to change hubs smurfchops but it's harmless to press BT for a free upgrade.
Do you have the free ookla speedtest app on your iPad?
You can monitor what you are getting from BT and have evidence to make a complaint. BT have never charged me to replace a hub, so try again.
I don't know what BT package you are on and how much you are paying, but if you phone and tell them you are leaving, they will probably offer you a better deal.

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