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NOISETTE | 08:37 Sun 27th Nov 2016 | Crosswords
17 Answers
5 down tried by the military 5/10 I thought it was court martial but I have the second word as????i?l?e?


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martialied ?
ah...morning scorpy xx
Helloooo minty x
...good morning, Tilly :)
Good morning, Jo. Are you well?
I am not, but thank you for asking :) Are you well?
Sorry to hear that, Jo. Wishing you well.

I'm fine, apart from the cold sores!
I have martialled, it won't submit. Dictionary says martialed. Must have a mistake somewhere
There is a discussion on issues with online submission here
Just found out it's American spelling!
If the letter count is correct (5,10) martialed is only 9
Jo, i see you're not feeling too well, i hope it's nothing too serious and you'll be back to yourself again soon. It's court martialled btw noisette.
Thank you, Éan x

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