Mcculloch 2860 Hedge Trimmer. in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Mcculloch 2860 Hedge Trimmer.

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nonotion | 14:43 Mon 05th Dec 2016 | How it Works
5 Answers
The above machine is only 2 yrs old.
Used 6 times.
Starts but will not rev to trim.
I've replaced the fuel pipe as it seemed perished in the tank.
The correct mix has been used at all times.
No improvement.
I would welcome thoughts on this, if any of you enthusiasts could point me in a direction to solve.
It is in my mind a fuel problem, but as to a carb strip down mmmm.
Thank you in advance.
I will post on results.
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I have a Mcc myself & serviced a few, that pick up pipe does block the flow of fuel & can also get into the Very Fine Jets, it's not a massive job to strip it down but that's the only way to go as they can be a right pain, also take out & wire brush the Plug, when doing this leave the HT lead on to the plug & pull the cord, Is there a spark? are you using the Choke correctly?
19:11 Mon 05th Dec 2016
I have a Mcc myself & serviced a few, that pick up pipe does block the flow of fuel & can also get into the Very Fine Jets, it's not a massive job to strip it down but that's the only way to go as they can be a right pain, also take out & wire brush the Plug, when doing this leave the HT lead on to the plug & pull the cord, Is there a spark? are you using the Choke correctly?
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Thank you Mark.
For going to the bother to reply to my call for help.
I will now take on the task of a strip-down with a better mind set.
It may take a while, but watch this space for results.
Many thanks again.
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I apologise to you TWR,not using your user name.
It is still a good answer to my enquiry,and marks as best answer.
No probs No Notion, when I started the removal process I had a clean Sheet of paper, a can of Carb Cleaner, a 1" paint brush, & a clean bowl under the carb when you insert the carb cleaner, these carbs are very delicate due to the size, take a close up image from your phone If you have one, place everything in line on the paper, inside the carb & at the end of the Petrol Feed Pipe there is a VERY SMALL filter, these can be had off ebay for little money that's what I done, it was here in a couple of days, you can get a lot of spares off there, for the price replace the plug, there's two lenghth's Short /Long threads, at times the end of the HT Lead is the cause which I have found, as you may know these machines can be a sod to start but once running they are a good machine, I have just re-read your post, also check your throttle cable & the button.
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Thank you TWR.
You've certainly set the procedure out very well, there is no excuse for me now.
I will set to the task at the week-end, I will let you know how I've fared when done.
Best wishes.

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Mcculloch 2860 Hedge Trimmer.

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