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Spacestation Visible Sighting. For Most Of Uk

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wendilla | 15:58 Tue 06th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Two sightings tonight .
First sighting 5. 10 pm for 4 minutes SSW departing. E

2nd sighting. 6 46 pm for 1 minute approaching from WSW.


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Thanks Wendi, clear here atm, so will have a look.
Just as a matter of interest - who are the astronauts , currently on the
station ?
Thanks wendilla x

Unfortunately gone all foggy and murky down here on the Sussex coast, so highly unlikely to have a good view tonight, but thanks again for tip. :-)
Thanks wendilla, sadly been overcast here all day :( Here's hoping

Who Is On The Station Now

Andrey Borisenko. Commander Shane Kimbrough. Sergey Ryzhikov
Thomas Pesquet. Peggy Whitson. Oleg Novitskiy.

You can google them all, I asume you have Google.
Why the sarchasm , Baldric ?

Sarcasm ??

Having typed "You can google them all" it occurred to me that with Google being a Search Engine, you may not have it as lots more Search Engines are available, so I was just asking.
No chance for me tonight, Wendi.....just driven in the most horrendous fog.......can't see the patio let alone the spacestation..... :-(
Question Author
No view tonight too overcast all day .

Clouded over here by the time they came up as well.

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Spacestation Visible Sighting. For Most Of Uk

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