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Stamps Reminder

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Tilly2 | 23:01 Fri 09th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Please could you send all your Christmas card envelope stamps to the following:-

The Dogs Trust
Jenny Thomas
15 Wentworth Avenue
N3 1YA

Thank you.



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I thought so
23:17 Fri 09th Dec 2016
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:-( Sorry 237.
No worries Tilly. I Was born in West Down and I will die in West Down. That`s the way it goes.
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:-), 237.

As you were. x
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I'll post this reminder, frequently, over the next two weeks. Thank you to all of you who have responded positively.

I shall now cut them out and save them Tilly. They really help?
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Hi, Jourdain.

Yes, they do help, apparently. The lady who collects them has raised £18,200 this year through sales of stamps, stamp albums, postcards and foreign currency.

The Dogs Trust are appealing for used stamps.
Going to root in recycling and get them out Tilly xx
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Thanks, Minty. Don't fall in the bin!
Already got some in an envelope ready addressed And will carry on saving Tilly
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Thank you, Margot. x

I have a little plastic tub which is nearly full and will send them after Christmas. I have a few more cards to come yet.
You're welcome Tilly. It's an easy thing to do and every little helps xx
Question Author
Indeed, Margot. :-)

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