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Canadian Ab'er

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mikey4444 | 20:21 Mon 12th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
My memory isn't getting any better. What was the name of that chap in Canada, that used to be a regular here on AB ? He was born here I think, but emigrated when he was a child ?


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That's the one problem we seem unable to overcome. If a regular ABer suddenly stops posting there is no way we can find out why he/she has stopped. I wonder if it would be possible for the editorial team to pair up close living ABers ( with each permission of course).
Can I have Melv as my partner, please?

His other ID 'Stewey' is still active, not been used for a while though.
I just assume that people have died.

No...some leave for various reasons. This site isn't like it was, it's a lot like groundhog day...
//I just assume that people have died.// Problem is, after a month or two if they re-appear you feel a right twassock.
Unfortunately, Wolf, I tend to come to the same conclusion in the absence of any other explanation.
We need new blood. Let's be nice to new people. (Unless they are trying to wind us up)
I'm new, be nice to me...
I suddenly seem to be popular with laydeez of a certain age ;-) I've just got back from playing with my Ukelele ;-) so I couldn't answer immediately.
It's ukulele, Melv. Get it right!
Ukulele ain't no good - you need no strings attached fun...
Pull the other one, Shoots.
OK then, where is she?

Boom, boom!
Do you have a spare G string, Tilly ;-)

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Canadian Ab'er

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