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Spacestation Sightings This Evening

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wendilla | 16:25 Wed 14th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
1st sighting. 4 40 pm for 4 mins W departing E

2nd sighting 6 17 pm for 2 mins WSW departing SSW


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Thanks wendi.
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Forgot to look had my daughters dog here for the day . Will try the next pass. How are your dogs getting on now has the new one settled ?
Had a look Wendi but couldn't get a sighting. Interesting sky all round though. The full moon is up, and Uranus, Neptune, Mars , Venus, and Mercury are all in line with Pluto just offset. Mercury and Pluto are off course below the horizon as will Venus be shortly. They are all in turn in line with the Sun.
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Yes that's right but can't see a thing here it's too cloudy .
The moons a balloon up here Wendi.
It's lovely here too. Togo where do I look for 'Uranus, Neptune, Mars , Venus, and Mercury are all in line with Pluto just offset'? Which direction?
Thank you, Wendi. Lovely view of all the planets tonight.
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Here is the latest one
I saw a few Geminids last night but the fool moon prevented a good show
*full* I really wish this site had an edit facility
Thanks again. I'm not venturing outside again. If I can't see it from my kitchen window, I can't see it. :-)
Tills most are not visible to the naked eye. Venus was shining bright at 4pm almost due South. I have a good set of "bins" that I use but I do like my Google sky map on my android phone. You have to have location finder activated and I identifies all the stars and planets. I will have a look for a link.

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Spacestation Sightings This Evening

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