Tuesday. I woke up at 2.25. I thought this is too early. So I got back to sleep. The next thing I know it's 5.35! The first time in many years. I' happy with that.
Dry but clear this morning. I hope it stays like it.
I did mount ironing yesterday, a three pint pile it was. All done now. trouble is it won't be long before there's another one.
Out and about this morning. This afternoon I have no idea.
Good morning Qom, if you're still aboot. I had to look up podiatrist my brains still being pickled elsewhere off duty. Relax and enjoy, I hope that you have a good day.
WBM.. Time to make a move and do a bit of research on lactose free puddings. Blimey take care mate you don't wanna get them wrong whatever you do ;-) Happy investigating and hope you all have a grand day.