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A Positive Muslim Story, For A Change.

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mikey4444 | 09:56 Thu 22nd Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
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Mikey - it isn't just Muslims!! Each and everyone who gives up their time to help others deserve the same praise, regardless of religion.

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Ummm...Yes, 100% correct, but this particular thread concerns some Manchester Muslims and their Good Deeds.

I have been thinking about this.

Perhaps if more stories like this were more widely known and publicised, there wouldn't be so much blind prejudice against Islam and other non-Christian religions ?
Mikey...I work with a Muslim man, he came here from Afghan, and is one of the nicest people I've ever met.
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Ummm..lets hear more stories like that then !
Yes lets hear stories like this and ignore the bad stuff and what a wonderful world it will be.
Talbot - I'm not ignoring the bad stuff.
As Mikey rightly says, a positive Muslim story "for a change". If stories like this were not exceptional they wouldn’t be reported. Let’s hear it for the Salvation Army!
As a mark of respect for the Berlin dead, we held hands and lit candles around a Christmas tree last night. As we laid some flowers, the Muslims were crying and sobbing, they were just as devastated as we were.

There there, of course you did JJ
Baldric, I'm surprised Jude's wooden spoon isn't worn out by now. He always makes me laugh though.
Yay, the Sally Army for me, they do a lot of good.
// Talbot - I'm a bad Catholic too :-D//

comes with the label innit ?

bless me farder for I have sinned and all that
hey mikey are all these muslims .... kosher ? so to speak

the ahmadiyya muslim who wished his christian customers happy christmas got butchered by a 'better' muslim didnt he ?

Positive Muslim story alert

Missus on works do bringing me home a doggy bag ... plenty of curry left but no rice. They stuck a free mushroom basmati in the bag for me.

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