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The Cheese Problem

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sunny-dave | 15:35 Mon 26th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I think we all know how this works ...

[ waves to minty ]



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.... and still room for more.
yup ..very true
That could be me, I love cheese. can never have enough cheese !

I have been given a lovely Stilton and an even lovelier bottle of late-bottled vintage Port by a relative who is very switched on regarding gifts to mikey4444....better than bloody socks !
Had a chessboard after our meal out yesterday. Finished meal approx 4:30. Still nibbling cheese 10:30. Lovely bit of blue.
Did you eat the chessboard?
If so, you should have done it caerphilly
I was perched on a stool this afternoon by the Cheese Platter ( a slate as it happens) - I must have been overdoing it for as I took a sip of wine the whole thing was moved.

They know me too well, kids eh?
The Cheese Problem

What problem !, I have no problem with devouring cheese.
I've just put mine back in the fridge, been nibbling on it all day with lakeshore hot toddy chutney
best link I could find, to make me feel just bad for eating all the cheese
That's crackers
Nah, she's 'putting on the ritz', Hopkirk.
I eat cheese every day, so hard to stop. Told myself it is guarding against osteoporosis! Dinner this eve was cold collation (Posh, eh!) of pork pie, salad and..........cheeses. 1st time we've had Mature Cheddar with Riggwelter Ale (Black Sheep Breweries) abs. delish I assure you, give it a go. Hawes dairy.
Can't stop my cheeses!
Gorgonzola 5 to Stinkin Bishop 7. ;-) bloody spellcheck.

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The Cheese Problem

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