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gness | 16:16 Wed 28th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
At last ......into my garden to join the lovely starlings....a woodpecker....but best of all...... a zephyr of long tailed tits......

And, Melv.....if you're looking in.....waxwings are getting closer....well thirty four miles away......but I'm keeping an eye on them......x


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Naked rambling is marvellous G, you get the zephyrs in all manner of locations then, not just your long tailed thingies.
16:54 Wed 28th Dec 2016
Lately I've been a bit lazy, I just buy Aunt Bessie's.
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Hi, BB.....I can't do that....Cupid is convinced I'm one of the batty old dears in the adverts........ :-(
Speaking of chipped teeth, I lost half an incisor on a wickedly hard nut in the Christmas pud. I now look like a pirate...
Somewhat slippery bliss taking small, eager dog for walk this a.m. and p.m. - but gloriously beautiful frosty landscapes to wonder at and the sunrise this morning was almost unspeakably beautiful. The tree across the field which backs onto us was throwing dark blue, sparkly shadows and the rest was bathed in an icy pink.

We seem to be the hostelry of choice for numerous small birds now. OH is soft-hearted and refills the feeder evening and morning. I mutter that they have to learn to forage and emergency supplies are what we should be doing. Anyway, it is very entertaining, especially since Piggy the (now very fat) pigeon joined the ranks. The small birds chase him off occasionally, but he good-naturedly waddles along the fence and waits his turn - and so extra birdfood is supplied for him. I'm toying with pigeon pie in a couple of weeks, 1 pigeon should be enough......
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Oooo....there is nothing wrong with looking like a pirate, Shoota.......♥

Hi, your OH.....feeding the birds every morning....give him a hug from me...the most entertaining birds are the starlings.......and look closely at them.....just beautiful.......
I do love the way the pigeons plod around underneath the suet blocks picking up droppings....good food for little effort......x
A Zephyr !, has Ford started making them again ( bliss if they did ).
how about the Zodiac then, tony.....?
Yep a posh Zephyr.
Hi I haven't a clue what you talking about I been to the pub and working tomorrowxx
Drove half an hour to Strood, Kent, today where there have been Waxwings for about three weeks. We saw......
......the very tree they have been photographed in!!!
well done you, fraser - most of us don't know what's going on....Happy New Year.

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