Calls Started Again... in The AnswerBank: Spam & Scams
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Calls Started Again...

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Tuvok | 17:33 Thu 29th Dec 2016 | Spam & Scams
17 Answers
...... there's been no calls for nearly a fortnight - but they must be back from their holidays now!

Got a call from 0189754278 - can't find it via Google, but at least the phone blocker dealt with it!
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very annoying!
Haven't had one for three weeks. Even then they were very sporadic. Thank God for BT call blocker. The last one I had was from an Indian chap who said he was calling on behalf of the Savers' Club, whatever that is. Didn't wait to find out, just pressed End Call and Block. The only reason I get some calls is because I allow all Withheld Numbers, as some are genuine.
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Any withheld have to announce themselves - otherwise it defeats the point of the BT8500 phone!
I know, but as I have friends who are withheld it seems rather rude. Most Spam calls are International, Unavailable or dodgy numbers so it is small inconvenience to me.
Can you put into the blocker withheld numbers that you will allow? My doctor and home medication services all use number withheld as do all NHS numbers.
I don't think you can.
What you can do is divert them to answerphone.
What I do with nuisance calls is pick up then place the phone to one side and let them blether on to no one until they give up ...it's their bill.
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Theres only one genuine regular withheld and they don't mind having to say who it is.
If any of your friends or business (such as doctors, etc) wish to call you, but their number is set to withheld - there is a way round it.
All they need to is is dial 1470 before they dial your number. This releases their number for this one call only.
If they have your number in a speed dial memory, they could edit it to include 1470 before your number, so they don't need to remember to dial 1470 every time they call you - problem solved :)
All my friends and relatives with withheld numbers get through to me because they are on my allowed list. They don't have to announce themselves.
Gizmo, I never knew that.
Jackdaw - I only found out through a bit of digging a while ago.
Our Virgin phone was set on anonymous call barring; yet my dad's phone was set to automatically withheld his number.
We found out that he needed to dial 1470 before dialling our number, otherwise he couldn't get through.
As far as I'm aware, it's the same across all the phone networks.
There is no need to do that. Just add the people with withheld numbers onto the allowed list.
You're lucky, I had one from 'John Mason' Boxing Day teatime. He didn't get the chance to tell me what was wrong with my computer!
had a nasty experience with one of these scammers recently. suffice it to say he said he had my address and was going to bomb my family. I dont know why Talk talk does not have the ability to block any call which mentions Talktalk, router or any other word. My sonr has bought me a BT8600 for Xmas. You can put numbers on your pass list. If not on the list the caller will be asked to give some details and you will be asked to accept the call or reject it. If yes it will be added to your accept list. If no it will be added to your blocked list.

At least that how i think it works.
John, just seen your post, that call was a Threat & needs reporting ASAP

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