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queenofmean | 14:03 Wed 04th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Not expecting anything new really BUT now I've put last year behind me I'm going on andnim showing them I mean business now and I want my Diabetes back on the straight and narrow.

Hope it all goes well - will let you all know how it goes later.


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Good luck queenie, hope all does go well for you.
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Just out.

Not as bad as first feared. HbA1C is up but I went in with an open mind. Dr made a few suggestions that I felt I wasn't happy with but after speaking with my nurse we came to a different approach and will try that instead.

But I will not give up and I'm ready to give it my all.
Positive approach, the best way Queenie x
Good luck with the clinic
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Thank you Mamya and PP.

Went well. Don't want me back for 6 months but will still be seen by my nurse and the other team members in between.

It is Mamya. Ball is in my court now and I'm going to play by the rules and do what is expected of me. I know I've had a struggle last year but New Year new approach and I'm taking back control. xx
Good luck Queenie. Remember you had a tough year last year, and you're coming through strongly. I have faith in you .
Hoping all goes well for you queenie. xx
Good luck Queenie.
Question Author
Thank you CampbellKing, Cupid and Sharon.

My first hurdle is getting up at 3am and 6am for BM checks - these are killers :(
Don't forget to set your alarm, Queenie.

You can do this, I can tell!
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I will do Tilly, I'm just guilty of turning it off and going back to sleep.

Not this time - I want out of this and if I want to suceed I'm doing what I can only dream of at present I'm going to have to make sure I get up and do it and I will!

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