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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:09 Thu 05th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
93 Answers
Thursday. They said a hard frost. They were right! The car will need defrosting before I go out...again! Defrosting the mirrors is a bit of a pain isn't it. So I put a plastic bag over them and hold it in place with an elastic band. Works a treat. Not necessary if you have heated mirrors though. Roll on summer I say.

Tiggy still tucked up cosy and fast asleep. I wish I could hibernate. :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Baldric just read your pet post .,when I have my daughters sleep over he is like that as soon as he hears me get up as he gets fed early . My sons one just lifts his head up looks at me with a look on his face of you must be joking I am not going out there it's too cold

That just about sums up ours, Roger doesn't get involved, think it's going to take a week or three but we'll get there, we like him.
wee Bruno has his forever are kind Balders x
They are dogs with great characters my sons one talks with expressions . It's a shame some have a bad name all,down to people not coping with them .they are hard to train but once you win you are there forever .you get all the love back from them
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That goes for most dogs wendi. It's usually the owner at fault.
Yes wbm. True
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}

Have a good day wbm.
bye boaty xx
A late good morning waterman, everyone!

'morning Eleena, all ok?
Hi Baldric, yes fine thanks. Just going to collect my granddaughter. Happy New year!

And to you and yours ;o)

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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