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The Sas - A Deadly Force!

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10ClarionSt | 15:44 Sat 14th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
They cause havoc. They kill. They strike all the time. Yes, smoking and sugar!


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// Meat products such as sausages, bacon and chorizo have also been placed in the same cancer risk category as cigarettes.// So go ahead light a chorizo, smoke a sausage fill your pipe with bacon it aint going to make a ha'p'orth of difference in the long run.
I shall come to you for all my medical advice from now on, Ron :)
Worrying about what you can and cannot eat is stressful, guess what, that can cause cancer too.
There's no need to worry about what you do or don't eat, Vulcan. You make your choices.

I choose to eat an abundance of healthy food but still enjoy wine and Indian takeaways as treats.
When the planet hits in October, or the zombies come for you, it won't matter!
I don't even think about what I eat.
Got to watch the sugar intake ... tonight I will be mostly tipping my lager straight into the urinal
...but only after it's been filtered through the body, surely?
Talbot is cutting out the middle man.....or he's flush.

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