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Ev 1261

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pomona | 09:17 Tue 17th Jan 2017 | Crosswords
8 Answers
There is an extra letter in clue
35a Tip of razor-sharp lance thrown with line speared shellfish (5) NAC?E
nacre ? but where's the extra letter and how does it parse please?


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tip of razor=r
lance with l(line) thrown away
anagram of ance+r
Tip of Razor = R

Anagrame of Lance with L removed (speared)

Extra letter (l)ance then r(azor) + anagram of ance,
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Thanks chaps... as i thought .....will have to rethink my other extra letters as the letters round there don't make any sense
The extra letter is the e of speared, so L is spared.
Hello all, especially DocHH, how's things?
devadolly, things are well. Herself retired last may, well actually was made redundant, at her own request and walked away with 18 months salary, after tax.
Still completing, but not sending in EVs. How are things with you and himself, still farming?
Off to OZ in a few weeks time for about a month. Just 3 holidays last year, probably 5 or 6 this year!

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Ev 1261

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