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What Silly Things Annoy You?

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Smowball | 15:17 Wed 18th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
148 Answers
Like, when I've washed ,dried and ironed Mr Smows shirts, hung them up and he immediately takes the very last one ironed straight out of the wardrobe and puts it on. It's not even been in there 10 seconds and will now be back in washing basket in a few hours. Sounds daft but drives me mad lol.

Or when you go and park in a practically empty car park and someone comes and parks right next to you - when there are hundreds of empty spaces. Why??

I'm sure I have loads more lol.


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Well, as I paws for thought, all I felis tired right now so perhaps it's about time I was lion down :-)
When we are JUST about to get in the car and go out,my OH suddenly finds something urgent that he has forgotten to do.This can last from a few minutes, to (worst case scenario) 15 minutes.
I presume it's nerves on his part?
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When we are going out Mr Smow puts his jacket on, shuts front door, walks 6 ft to car then takes it off and puts it on back seat! Why??
..oh and it's "Loch" Ness, not "Lock" Ness!
..........and breathe.
Ffffhhhhhhhhhhwwwhhhh! .....AHHHHH :-)
Ok, now what? ...TRUMP!
You can trump if you wish.
Behave x

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