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gness | 14:27 Sat 14th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
for Ark and NoM...if my link works......Gx


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Those too, Shoota....snuffles gone?...x
I await a thread entittled "Muffs for Men" with ... trepidation
Question Author
Hi,'s not rude!.....☺
Question Author
Oh you too!!!!! Honestly....this is a little innocent hobby......or it was til you lot started!.....♥
Oooo dave, that's skating a bit too close ...but them of course, it IS gness !

Hi gness xx
'snuffles gone?...'

I think so, I havn't looked upstairs yet....
Question Author
Hi, Seek.....☺☺☺....x

Stop looking, sent snuffles to me..... :-(
Seriously sister is involved in this field and I love to knit so we'll investigate here and see what we can start xx
Enjoy her...
Question Author
That would be great, Seek....there are patterns but I just make them up as I go along, depending on the wool I choose.....the ones I've given away have been really successful......x
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She's a nuisance, Shoota....though an excuse for hot toddies....x

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