Partial Eclipse Of The Moon Early In The...
News1 min ago
by the way I went for a walk a few nights last week, it was good - I live in the countryside and it was so pleasant, unfortunatley bad luck is always close behind me and I stumbled and have no jarred my knee, it is so painful and I can hardlt bend it, it is aching constantly and I feel as though it is going to give, any suggestions???
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our jenky said rest ice compression elevation is the best way to deal with it.
rest means try to just do absolutly nothing with it!
icing, elevation and compression makes the swelling and brusing go. the quicker this goes, the quicker you will start the healing proccess.
try and get hold of some sort of bandage for the compession. make sure you wrap it from the bottom of your calf, to as high as you can get it at the top of your thigh.this prevents the swelling simply just moving rather than being removed.
try keeping you injury above your heart.
try taking some iburofen as well, this will help with the pain and swelling.(as long as your not allergic!!)
try a week of this everyday. using what jenky said with the ice and the above reccomendations. write down exatly how i feels now giving it a pain rating of 1-10.if it is still as bad as it is now in a weeks time then i suggest you visit your gp.
hope ive helped!