Crosswords1 min ago
Cheque In American Dollars
9 Answers
A friend has received a cheque for approximately 12000 dollars from an inheritance that the heir hunters Fraser & Fraser have traced for him FRASER & FRASER have already taken their commission of 5000 dollars His bank
Nationwide say that they cannot accept it How can he get this money into his account without anymore money being deducted from the inheritance Can anyone please give him some advice
Nationwide say that they cannot accept it How can he get this money into his account without anymore money being deducted from the inheritance Can anyone please give him some advice
From the Nationwide web site: "Nationwide are unable to provide a Foreign Draft or pay in a Foreign Cheque" http://www.n .uk/~/media/ MainSite/doc uments/suppo rt/payments- transfers/P1 078_Overseas Payments.pdf Fraser & Fraser should be asked to accept the return of the cheque and then to make their payment via SWIFT. The information...
18:01 Tue 24th Jan 2017
A normal bank would accept it. For example, here's what Natwest say:
While we don't usually recommend drafts and cheques, there are some basic principles you can apply to make the process as simple and cost efficient as possible.
- Submit sterling cheques and drafts drawn on banks abroad, or foreign currency cheques and drafts drawn on the UK to be cleared on your behalf
- Reduce costs by including multiple cheques and drafts in the same transaction. These need to be in the same currency, drawn on banks in the same country, for negotiation.
That's from http:// www.nat westint ernatio /nw/per sonal-b anking/ travel- and-int ernatio nal/g50 /intern ational -paymen ts/rece iving-i nternat ional-p ayments /drafts -and-ch eques.a shx#tab -sectio n1
While we don't usually recommend drafts and cheques, there are some basic principles you can apply to make the process as simple and cost efficient as possible.
- Submit sterling cheques and drafts drawn on banks abroad, or foreign currency cheques and drafts drawn on the UK to be cleared on your behalf
- Reduce costs by including multiple cheques and drafts in the same transaction. These need to be in the same currency, drawn on banks in the same country, for negotiation.
That's from http://
From the Nationwide web site:
"Nationwide are unable to provide a Foreign Draft or pay in a Foreign Cheque"
http:// www.nat ionwide ~/media /MainSi te/docu ments/s upport/ payment s-trans fers/P1 078_Ove rseasPa yments. pdf
Fraser & Fraser should be asked to accept the return of the cheque and then to make their payment via SWIFT. The information they'll need is listed here:
http:// www.nat ionwide support /paymen ts-and- transfe rs/spec ialist- payment s/swift -paymen ts#xtab :receiv e-a-swi ft-paym ent
"Nationwide are unable to provide a Foreign Draft or pay in a Foreign Cheque"
Fraser & Fraser should be asked to accept the return of the cheque and then to make their payment via SWIFT. The information they'll need is listed here: