Irrespective of makes and models of headphones, you might need to check out the situation at the TV end of things first. Many sets automatically mute their internal speakers when headphones (or the transmitter unit for wireless headphones) are plugged into the relevant socket. (Further, many TV sets probably don't even have a headphone socket).
So you need to check:
(a) that your TV set has a headphone socket ; and
(b) that you can plug headphones in without muting the set's own speakers. (Please tell us the exact make and model of your TV set if you need help).
Assuming you've got that sorted out though, I'm happy to recommend Sony's wireless headphones. I treated myself to some a few years ago and though that, like most things which 'seem a good idea at the time', they'd probably end up stuck in the back of a cupboard. However I'm still using them EVERY day and I regard them as one of the best things I've ever bought.