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4getmenot | 07:05 Mon 30th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Morning everyone. So it's one of my closest friends birthdays today. So normally like with any friend I'd ring or txt saying 'happy birthday' . Well the other bit of this story is that her father died yesterday . I don't want her to think I've forgotten but what am I supposed to say.


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I msgd yesterday to say I'm here for her.
I'd ring and just tell her that you are thinking of her today...sad
Say something like 'I hope you have as good a birthday as possible. Sorry to hear about your dad.'
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Text to say that you are thinking of her today, and that you are in this evening if she fancies a chat or a cuppa together. Don't worry about mentioning the birthday, she know you've remembered.
Phone her. I'm sure she will appreciate it, and will give her someone who cares to talk to. Let her set the pace. But if it were me, I would phone her.
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Once husbands back from work later I might pop round hers. I have her presents to give her too
nice ..good friend a shoulder xx
Good plan. As minty says, be the shoulder for her.
Great decision, I didn't know how close by you were or whether you were free today. Sad day for her and she'll be pleased to see a friend.

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